Are you a business in Australia that wants to set up a business in the UK?
bdh Tax can provide the following services if you would like to set up and maintain a new business in the UK:
- Establishing the business in the UK, including incorporating the business and registering it with HM Revenue & Customs
- Preparing the local payroll, including accounting for Pay As You Earn (PAYE, to be withheld from salary), and advising regarding the end of tax year payroll returns for delivery to the HM Revenue
- Advising regarding the maintaining of the accounting records in the UK
- Preparing the end of financial year accounts for the business, and the tax returns for submission to HM Revenue
Whenever possible bdh Tax provides a fixed fee quote to all who are interested in engaging our services.
If you want to set up a business in the UK please contact us by completing the enquiry form on this webpage, or telephone the bdh Tax office that is closest to you.
We look forward to hearing from you.